65 tons of SAS 950 / 1050 Ø 32 mm and SAS 835 / 1035 Ø 57 mm and accessories
The Musi IV Bridge, connecting both sides of the Musi River in Palembang city, South Sumatra, is a much anticipated addition to the city where severe traffic congestion can occur often during rush hours. Spanning 12 meters wide and 1,130 meters long, the Musi IV Bridge is designed for a durability of up to 100 years as well as earthquake resistant. The main span of the bridge was constructed by using the extradosed method that combined the main elements of prestressed box girder and a stayed-cable bridge. This bridge design uses tendons outside the cross-section envelope. SAS Asia supplied the SAS 950 / 1050 as well as SAS 835 / 1035 PT bars to PT Delta Systech Indonesia for the post tensioning works of the pylons and form traveler parts.
The Musi IV Bridge
SAS Asia