A-44 Albolote - Santa Fe – Granada, Spain


A-44 Albolote - Santa Fe – Granada, Spain

Anker Schroeder supplied to its Partner VSL Spain 54 number ASDO540 tie-rod systems for the viaduct over the Genil River in Granada, Spain. The innovative three tied-arch bridge is part of the new A-44 Sierra Nevada Motorway built by Grupo Copisa and Construcciones Vera and will contribute to easing traffic flow on the heavily congested Granada ring-road. An interesting video can be seen here.

  • Contractor - GRUPO COPISA
  • Year - 2020
  • ASDO System - ASDO540-S 28 Sets M 72 26 Sets M 80 over 14m length
  • Load Capacity - Up to 2189 kN
  • Features - System with option for in-situ stressing
  • Similar Projects - Suprasel, Ciney, Oelegem

Anker Schroeder

ASDO540 tie-rod systems


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