
Schnettkerbrücke, Dortmund

ASDO trapezoidal hangers were used for a bridge over the A40 Emschertal motorway near Dortmund. The hangers have a diameter of 220 mm and ends were forged to trapezoidal spade ends with a width of 585mm. The shape of the spade end allows the hangers to be site welded to the main structure with full penetration welds to provide a fatigue resistant design.

  • Client - Landesbetrieb Straßenbau Nordrhein-Westfalen, Niederlassung Bochum
  • Year - 2012
  • ASDO System - Forged Trapezoidal Hangers
  • Engineer - Ruhrberg Ingenieure
  • Delivered quantity - 8 hanger ø220 mm Trapez (585 x 585 mm)



Forged Trapezoidal Hangers

Anker Schroeder

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